Thursday, June 14, 2007

Chopping Wood , Carrying Water

I was inspired by my wife to have a blog space. In our daily yoga practice we study inspiring books, meditate, and practice postures and breathing exercises. A fruit of this practice is to be discovering new things daily which are shared in yoga classes and through the daily practice of showing up for work, family etc. I wanted to explain the title chosen for my blog space. It comes from a familiar zen story. The master is asked how life changes after enlightenment. He answers: before enlightenment chop wood and carry water, after enlightenment chop wood and carry water. This is so very simple yet profound. A spiritual practice can be very earthy and practical. Friends and family might ask how does doing downward dog help you in your life. Well for me this practice is about being able to be more efficient, healthy and happy while we spend time at work, with family or whatever one's daily life might be.
In yoga class one focuses on the breath, on alignment, balance, not holding tension, etc. while doing movement or holding postures. This translates directly into keeping one's equanimity and focus while a boss or client may be going through a hard time or while kids are freaking out. So this Zen story resonates with me. It inspires me to keep it simple. As Einstein once said, "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex...It takes a touch of genius--and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

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